Projects Portfolio
Discussion on Homeland Claims
With the mineral claims being acquired in our transaction with SRM, the Company will control 30,500 acres of BLM mineral claims and Colorado state leases hosting a historical uranium-vanadium resource* and covering highly prospective uranium-bearing corridors within the northeastern Colorado Plateau.
These projects are located between the three fully-licensed conventional uranium mills in the USA
- Energy Fuels White Mesa Mill - currently operating with 2,000 tpd capacity - 273 miles
- Anfield Energy/IsoEnergy’s Shootering Canyon Mill - currently on standby 750 tpd capacity - 288 mile
- UEC’s Sweetwater Mill - on standby - 3,000 tpd capacity - 203 miles
As part of the Company’s evaluation of these project, the potential of modern heap leaching recovery with Ion Exchange as a uranium-vanadium recovery method will be investigated. This would potentially allow the Company to consider toll milling of uranium loaded resins at several Wyoming ISR operations (in addition to the conventional mills).

About the Geology
The majority of Colorado Plateau U-V deposits are hosted in either Jurassic or older Triassic rocks, or in younger Cenozoic/Tertiary rocks. With uranium mineralization found in the district in Miocene Rocks at the Maybell Mine (34 km north of Coyote Basin) and in Upper Cretaceous rocks at the Red Wash Property, all sandstone units stratigraphy in the area should be considered highly prospective for uranium-vanadium deposits. The Fort Union and Wasatch Formations are severely underexplored outside Wyoming yet are the key host formations for US ISR production from the prolific uranium-producing Powder River Basin. These two formations are found on both projects where they are documented to host uranium showings and the historical Coyote Basin uranium-vanadium deposit.